Psalm 23: The Table
The peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. It’s graham crackers, peanut butter, and marshmallow cream. Folks, that is a snack right there. If you have never had one, and you are able to, stop what you are doing and go make one. Well, unless you have a peanut allergy, then don't do that. But if you can eat peanut butter, go make one, or at least put the ingredients on your Kroger clicklist.
This was my after school snack for years growing up. My grandfather would have it waiting for me with a tall glass of milk as soon as I got off the bus from school, without fail. I would walk down their long driveway, burst through the side door of the house, and there on the table was the greatest snack known to man.
I could always count on it. No matter what my day at school was like. Whether it was good or bad, whether I ran up the driveway with carefree joy, or slowly plodded along with the weight of the middle school world on my shoulders. I had the love of my grandfather, and the best snack I could fill my belly with.
David writes in 23 Psalm "You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies;"
This is the goodness of God, a feast made ready for us, even though our enemies are growling at the door.
“You anoint my head with oil;” he writes. Right in front of those enemies God says “I am proud of you, and I want everyone to know.”
At the end of this worship song, David says “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
But David never says, “and I walked out of the valley and left all of my enemies behind.” No, David is still in the valley and surrounded by enemies, but He knows God is with Him and that He is proud of him and loves him. That awareness is what assures him, and compels him to keep walking through the darkness. The love, grace, and acceptance of the Father comforted and encouraged David.
And, it is the same love, grace and acceptance that you and I have today.
So when you feel the weight of the world on you, and see the steep banks of darkness on your left and right, know this:
The Lord is loving you.
The shepherd is guiding you.
And, the peanut butter and marshmallow cream is waiting for you.